The Cullen Family Legacy

A little known fact about the Cullen family is that their association with wine in Western Australia dates back to the 1880’s.

Kevin Cullen’s grandfather, Ephraim Mayo Clarke (1846 – 1921), purchased a small business and plot of land in Bunbury, Western Australia, where he started a store and winery. He successfully produced the highly popular ‘Punchbowl’ wine which he sold through the family shop and as far afield as the WA Goldfields. Kevin’s mother Elvie and her nine siblings all worked at the winery. When Ephraim died, it passed into the hands of his only tee-totalling son, who left the vines unattended. They eventually went into decline and the land was sold.

Wine pioneers in South West WA

Kevin Cullen grew up in Western Australia and studied medicine at the University of Western Australia, where he became the first recipient of a Doctorate of Medicine. He was an outstanding student and in 1941 was invited to Melbourne University to continue his medical studies. It was here that he met the enigmatic young Diana Adams, who was studying Physiotherapy and Ballet. Diana was at the top of her class and a popular student who was heavily involved in womens rights campaigns. Diana travelled to Paris in 1958 to study natural childbirth techniques, the first person in Australia to do so. They were married in 1946 and moved to Tasmania where Diana’s family was well known and featured regularly in Hobart’s social pages. Soon after they were married, Kevin’s father Pat, who was living in Bunbury Western Australia and working as a doctor himself, sent word to Kevin that a doctor was desperately needed in Busselton. In 1947 Kevin moved to Busselton to become their local doctor and it wasn’t long before Diana joined him to work as a physiotherapist. Their family quickly grew with the addition of Rick, Shel, Stewart, Digby, Ariane and finally Vanya.
Diana and Kevin purchased land in Wilyabrup where they tried their hand at raising sheep and cattle; Diana tending the farm, clearing land and working alongside labourers whilst raising their six children. All this time, Kevin worked at the Busselton Hospital and in his own practice, being on call and travelling back and forth between Busselton and the family farm to help Diana. Together in 1966, they were involved in the first plantings in the region. At that time, Kevin also commenced the famous Busselton Health Survey; the world’s longest running longitudinal health study, which is still in place today.
In 1971, they made the decision to plant vines on the land, having taken the advice of Dr John Gladstones and undertaken considerable research themselves in their overseas travels.

In only the second year of production, Diana’s efforts were recognised with her riesling being awarded a gold medal at the Melbourne Wine Show. In 1977 she won best wine at the Canberra Wine Show and in 1982 she made history as the first woman to win a trophy at the Perth Royal Show. She honed her winemaking skills by reading, learning from others and from the extensive travel she and Kevin undertook across Australia, the US and Europe, picking up tips and ideas everywhere they went. Diana’s dedication paid off and she continued to win awards and accolades for her outstanding wine, becoming Cullen’s chief winemaker in 1981 until daughter Vanya took over in 1989.
Kevin always had a great love of Cabernet Sauvignon and constantly referred to its need to have a steely backbone and they purchased many great wines from Bordeaux during their travels to obtain a clear image of the direction that their wine should take.
He was also a passionate believer in the potential for Margaret River to become one of the great areas for chardonnay.

He initiated the Cullen Wines Great International Chardonnay Tasting, to enable the wines from Margaret River to be compared with chardonnays the world over. 2016 marked the 31st International Chardonnay Tasting which continues to be a sold out stellar event on the Australian wine calendar.

Cullen Wines have decided to recognise Kevin and Diana’s pioneering contribution to the wine industry by naming their flagships in their honour – the Diana Madeline (Cabernet Sauvignon blend) and the Kevin John (Chardonnay), which both consistently receive some of the highest ratings in Australia, year after year.

Kevin passed away in 1994 and Diana in 2003. Both Kevin and Diana have been awarded life membership with the Margaret River Wine Industry Association, and in 2003 the WA Wine Industry Association introduced the annual ‘Diana Madeline Cullen Award for Outstanding Contribution by an Individual to the WA Wine Industry’ in her honour. In 1995 they were jointly named ‘West Australian Citizen of the Year’ and in 1994 Kevin was awarded the Order of Australia for his services to medicine and wine. Diana was awarded the Order of Australia for her services to viticulture and wine in 1999.

Dr Kevin Cullen AM & Diana Cullen AM - Members of the Order of Australia

Diana Cullen’s original interview with the Busselton Oral History Group in 1997, where she discusses the history of Cullen Wines and the beginning of the wine industry in Margaret River more than 50 years ago

Over the past decades, Vanya has transformed her family firm from one of Margaret River’s best into one of the country’s premium boutique wineries. Cullen Wines while remaining family owned has since evolved making quality wine from a certified Biodynamic, Carbon Positive and naturally powered estate. Exemplary viticulture lies at the heart of her success but so too, do care and thorough attention to detail in the winery.

“Winemaking is now in the hands of Vanya Cullen, daughter of the founders; she is possessed of an extraordinarily good palate. It is impossible to single out any particular wine from the top echelon; all are superb.” 

- James Halliday

Vanya Cullen was the winner of the 2000 Qantas/The Wine Magazine Winemaker of the year. She was the third recipient of this prize, the first Western Australian and the first woman to win the award. Vanya has judged at wine shows in every major city in Australia. In 2008, she was awarded the UK Drinks Business Magazine “Woman of the Year 2008” and in 2011 the “Green Personality of the Year” for her commitment to the wine industry and for demonstrating that you can operate a successful business while looking after the environment.
In 2015 Vanya was inducted into the Australian Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame which honours and celebrates Australian female business owners who have been exemplary in their industries, are trailblazers and demonstrate inspiring and aspiring business journeys. 2018 marked Vanya’s 35th year of winemaking at Cullen Wines, and 2019 was Vanya’s 30th anniversary of becoming Chief Winemaker at Cullen Wines. During 2019 Vanya was named the Australian Women in Wine Winemaker of the Year, received the ACO Chairman’s Award for her contribution towards organics in Australia, and in Halliday’s 2020 Wine Companion she was awarded for the best wine in the Cabernet and Family category with the 2017 Diana Madeline, as well as being named Halliday’s Winemaker of the Year; Australia’s most prestigious wine award.
In 2021 Vanya was honoured to be the recipient of Halliday’s 2022 Wine Companion Inaugural Viticulturist of the Year Award, as well as receiving the ‘Outstanding Viticulturist’ award in the 2021 Delicious Magazine/ Harvey Norman Produce Awards. In 2023, Vanya has honoured the legacy of her parents by following in their footsteps, humbly accepting the Order of Australia (OAM) for her services to viticulture and oenology.

The legacy continues with Vanya Cullen, Order of Australia (OAM)

Our people

Vanya Cullen OAM

Managing Director

Vanya Cullen OAM

Managing Director

Vanya Cullen has been winemaking at her family’s Wilyabrup estate since 1983. She was appointed to Chief Winemaker in 1989 and Managing Director in 1999. During that time she has been rigorously experimenting in the vineyard (especially with soil and trellis management) and in the winery all the while looking to give her wines greater complexity. Her palate has been honed by judging throughout Australia and overseas, and by her continuous pursuit of a thorough knowledge of the wines of the world. In 2023, Vanya was awarded the Order of Australia for services to viticulture and oenology.

Andy Barrett-Lennard

Senior Winemaker

Andy Barrett-Lennard

Senior Winemaker

After a career in hospitality sparked an interest in fine wine, Andy moved to the south west of WA in 2011 to continue his BSc in Oenology with Curtin University. He came on board in 2011 to work as part of the front of house sales team. After finishing his degree and completing several vintages in other wineries, both in Margaret River and in Denmark, he came back to join the Cullen wine making team at the end of 2016.

“It was always my goal to work with wine that reflects the land and place. Cullen wines was the icon in that regard, making some of the most honest and exciting wines in the Margaret River region. It has been an honour to come back and help to craft these wonderful wines. Cullen’s is a pretty special place.”

Brian Martin

Vineyard Manager

Brian Martin

Vineyard Manager

Ben Day

Head Chef

Ben Day

Head Chef

Head Chef. Ben starting cooking when he was 15, and 25 years on he still is. Born and raised in the South West he completed his 4 year apprenticeship in Margaret River. Once qualified, he headed straight to London at the age of 19. During this time he worked in a high level ‘top end’ restaurant which sparked Ben’s love of seafood. 4 years later he returned home to Perth and worked for Vans in Cottesloe. Ben was lured back to the South West by Knee Deep Wines where he designed and build their restaurant and kitchen.

Drawn the surf, good food, and beautiful beaches of Noosa, Ben took an extended sabbatical, then on his return to WA was rehired by Knee Deep where he achieved AGFG 2 Hats, and a 2-star rating from WAGFG in the restaurant. Ben has since worked for an extended time at Aravina. Now in 2022 he has joined the Cullen team, being drawn to the forward thinking, sustainable, ‘grow your own’ ethos, and the wines.

Dedicated husband and father, Ben now lives in Cowaramup with his wife Felicity and their 2 daughters; Violet (11) and Matilda (9).

Cristian Astudillo

Cellar Door Manager

Cristian Astudillo

Cellar Door Manager

Cristian’s academic journey began through studying Agronomy (Agricultural Engineering) and choosing to specialise in Fruit production, Viticulture and Winemaking back home in Chile. After finishing, he was eager to begin his professional journey, and took opportunities overseas in the business of fruit exportation and winemaking, firstly in Philadelphia, then in USA, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Australia and to Margaret River in Western Australia following his passion for the biodynamic principles, a place that had inspired him since learning of it through studies in Chile. When an opportunity to work the 2022 vintage at Cullen Wines arose, he saw it as a pivotal place to arrive to on his winemaking journey. Until today, he continues to be inspired by the philosophy, viticulture, winemaking and heart of the winery. As Cellar Door Sales Manager, Cristian is able to combine his winemaking knowledge, passion for Biodynamics, and his respect for the Terroir of Cullen Wines, to offer a unique immersion into the wines and their legacy. Certified as Beekeeper in my University degree and now responsible for the care and harvest of the Cullen hives.

Melanie Rose

Restaurant Manager

Melanie Rose

Restaurant Manager

Matt Condie

Direct Sales Manager

Matt Condie

Direct Sales Manager

Alex Roy

Export & Logistics Manager

Alex Roy

Export & Logistics Manager

Loren Joyce

Marketing & Events Coordinator

Loren Joyce

Marketing & Events Coordinator

Leighton Cardno

Member Sales & Support

Leighton Cardno

Member Sales & Support

Ashley Sismey

Cellar Supervisor

Ashley Sismey

Cellar Supervisor

Bec Marshall

Senior Bookeeper

Bec Marshall

Senior Bookeeper

Simon Dermody

Biodynamic Gardener & Groundskeeper

Simon Dermody

Biodynamic Gardener & Groundskeeper



Our Board Members

Roger Port

Chair of the Board

Roger Port

Chair of the Board

Roger is an experienced company Director and is currently the chair of Cullen Wines.

He is also a non-executive director of CTI Logistics Limited, Eagle Mountain Mining Limited and the chair of Linear Clinical Research Limited. Roger was a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers up to his retirement from the firm in 2016 and has extensive experience in financial analysis, company and business valuations, transaction due diligence and mergers and acquisitions. He is also a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and a Fellow of the Australian
Institute of Company Directors.

Rick Cullen

Board Member

Rick Cullen

Board Member

During his 40 year legal career Rick has successfully run a very broad commercial litigation and dispute resolution practice. He has acted for numerous corporate, government and individual clients, and has significant trial experience in all WA courts and tribunals.

Rick been an active long term member of the Law Society of W.A. He was on the Council of the Society for 13 years including a year as president. He has been a member or chair of over 20 Law Society committees and is currently on the Courts committee of the Society. He was made a life member of the Law Society in 2005 for his contribution to the legal profession and public in W.A.

He has broad business experience including being the founding chair from 2007 until 2012 of the National Health Direct Australia Company on behalf of the Federal, State and Territory governments.

He is a shareholder in the Cullen Wines family business and has, with his wife Bettina Mangan, established 140 acres of vineyards in the Margaret River region since 1995.

Rick has been a long term environmentalist, and in 1996 was the first person in WA to instal rooftop solar panels to pump electricity back into the grid.

He enjoys tennis and gardening and plays piano in a rock n roll band, the Inflictors.

Shelley Cullen

Board Member

Shelley Cullen

Board Member

Shelley Cullen has enjoyed a variety of positions over 50 years involvement with Cullen Wines; from helping plant the early vineyards to the first attempts at winemaking in 1974/5. She was also involved for many years with the family
cattle herd, finally taking over on her mother Di’s death in 2003. Shel and two friends started the first small cafe outlet within a winery in WA in the early 80’s - Cullen Winery Food Bar and this ran successfully for fourteen years.
Her other work experience was in Early Education and as the Drama, Music and
Art specialist at Vasse school. Before this she and a friend toured for three
years with their own small performing arts group, The Puppetry People.
Shel has long history of involvement in community through time as a shire
councillor and on many local environment and sustainability committees reflecting the need to cherish and preserve the unique Cape to Cape area.
Her main community involvement was in the establishment and enhancement of the 35 year old Margaret River Organic Garden, which has supported the need for children and families to enjoy time together in nature and beauty.
Other recent involvement has been working to alleviate homelessness in Margaret River and helping establish the MR Community Pantry.
Shel has co-authored two books; MARGARET RIVER STYLE and WEDNESDAY’S GARDEN. Both topics reflecting her lifelong interest in owner builder design and construction and community gardening. Her extended family is partner Werner Mueller, winemaker son Nic Peterkin, wife Amanda and granddaughters Paloma and Raphaela along with winemaker
sister Vanya and siblings Rick, Stew, Digby and Ariane.

Kate Cullen

Board Member

Kate Cullen

Board Member

Kate Cullen is a third generation Cullen family member, one of Diana and Kevin Cullen's nine grandchildren.

Kate has had a career as a mechanical engineer spanning Melbourne, South Africa, Argentina and now Perth. She is currently working for BG&E Resources as a project engineer. Kate has joined the Cullen Wines Board in 2025 as the inaugural Cullen family third generation member and has been working as a Cullen Wines ambassador for many years.

Andrew Hagger

Board Member

Andrew Hagger

Board Member

Andrew is the Executive Chair of
Famille Capital, an advisory firm serving high net worth families. He previously served as the CEO of Tattarang and Minderoo, the private office and philanthropic foundation respectively of the Forrest Family. Before that, he
held Group Executive roles at NAB in banking and wealth management, and chaired JB Were. Andrew is also previously the Managing Partner of PwC in Melbourne and amongst other roles he led the Private Client Services division of the firm.
Andrew was recently appointed as a Director of the Sydney Dance Company and has chaired or been a member of the board for a range of commercial and
non-for-profit organisations over two decades.


Honouring the Legacy of
Diana Madeline and Kevin John Cullen

In 2016 Cullen Wines commemorated their 45th year of producing wines in Wilyabrup, Margaret River, and proudly introduced the inaugural Cullen Award for Excellence.

This award honours the contribution made to Western Australian wine by Dr Kevin John Cullen and Diana Madeline Cullen, who together founded Cullen Wines in 1971. They had an unwavering belief in the potential of WA to produce world class wines and were dedicated to achieving this and helping others in the industry to do the same, by sharing their knowledge and support.

The Cullen Award for Excellence was created to recognize and reward individuals, companies or institutions from anywhere in the world, who contribute in a positive way towards promoting the Western Australian Wine Industry under the individual banners of Quality, Integrity or Sustainability.

Learn More
Awards Awards Year
(01) Cullen Award for Excellence 2016
(02) Cullen Award for Excellence 2017
(03) Cullen Award for Excellence 2019
(04) Cullen Award for Excellence 2021
(05) Cullen Award for Excellence 2023